ABI Plays For Lincoln
12:00 PM12:00

ABI Plays For Lincoln

On Saturday May 18th from 12-3pm at Aubrey High School in Aubrey, Texas, Amputee Basketball Invigorated- ABI will be teaming up with Monaco Leadership Academy to play for Lincoln. Lincoln is a kindergarten boy who is currently battling ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia). 100% of what we raise through this event including ticket sales, raffle items, online auction, and donations will all go directly to Lincoln. More details coming to learn about Lincoln’s story. Again please help support anyway you can.

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ABI Plays for Aden & Alec
6:30 PM18:30

ABI Plays for Aden & Alec

ABI Plays For Aden & Alec! These twin brothers are battling Leukemia. This will be a fun entertaining basketball event that will benefit these twin brothers and their family. There will be raffle and other prizes you can win at this event. 100% of what we raise at this event and through our website will all go directly to the twin brothers and their family

Event will be at Holy Cross Christian Academy in Burleson, Texas on Friday December 8th at 6:30pm $10 for adults and $5 for kids at the door

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ABI & MLA Play for Camp Sanguinity
12:00 PM12:00

ABI & MLA Play for Camp Sanguinity

  • Aubrey High School - Baseball Field (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our next ABI event is set. We are teaming up with Monaco Leadership Academy on Saturday May 20th from 12-3pm at Aubrey High School Baseball Field to play for Camp Sangiunity. This is a camp near and dear as it is a camp for kids with cancer and blood disorders. 100% of what we raise at this event will directly go to and benefit Camp Sanguinity. 


We will also have an online auction the weekend of this event that will have some pretty cool and big items. More details on the items in the online auction coming very soon. You can also just do a straight donation through our website abisports.org and just mentioned “Camp” and we will add this to the funds we raise that weekend. 


Share this and event and event better come out to have some fun and support some good causes.


You can click the hashtag and see some of the items we already have for the online auction #KvC5

Update: This event was able to raise $5,000 to go towards Camp Sanguinity!

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ABI Plays For Devin
6:30 PM18:30

ABI Plays For Devin

Join us on Friday night December 9th at 6:30 as ABI and HCCA play for Devin. This will be a fun, goofy, entertaining charity basketball game to help raise funds for Devin and his family. Devin is currently battling Leukemia and 100% of all the funds raised at this event will go directly to Devin and his family to help with his current fight against cancer. There will be a 50/50 raffle pot along with other items that you could win in person at the event. Join us for a special night to show love and support Devin and his family. You can also make a donation to this event for Devin by going to www.abisports.org/sponsor--

Here is Devin’s Story:


Update: We were able to raise $10,000 for Devin to help with his fight against Leukemia

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12:30 PM12:30

ABI Plays For Adriana

Announcing our next ABI event that will be at the end of this month Saturday April 30th. We are teaming up again with Bell Leadership Academy for our 4th Annual Kids vs. Cancer Classic Charity Softball game.

In a heartbreaking turn of events, our beneficiary Adriana gained her angel wings in February. We are going to play the sport she loved in her honor on 4/30 at Riders Park in Frisco from 12-3. There will be an online auction and raffle at the event.

100% of the proceeds from this event will go to Adriana’s family to help with their remaining medical bills.

April 30th we will play for Adriana and her family. Please join us in supporting the family

Update: we were able to raise $9,400 for Adriana’s family to help with Remaining medical cost. They have now also created their own foundation, Adriana’s Angles, to help other kids battling cancer

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ABI Plays For Henry
5:00 PM17:00

ABI Plays For Henry

Saturday March 26th, ABI is teaming up with Pathway Church and Jada From The Block to put on a benefit game for Henry. The event will be at Hughes Middle School in Burleson, Texas from 5-8pm. Henry is currently battling Neuroblastoma and 100% of the proceeds raised from this event will go directly to Henry and his family to help with his medical cost and treatments.

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ABI & B.E.L.L. Play for Hallie at the Kids vs. Cancer Classic
12:00 PM12:00

ABI & B.E.L.L. Play for Hallie at the Kids vs. Cancer Classic

Below is Hallie’s story:

Hallie was born with DBA, but she wasn't diagnosed until she was 13 months old. After they found it, they were able to control it with steroids and blood transfusions. If you looked at Hallie, you would have never known she was sick. But look at her blood, and you would know. The only cure for DBA is a bone marrow transplant.

While Hallie was searching, she knew she could also advocate for the many children who couldn't advocate for themselves because they were in the hospitals. That's why, at 6 years old, she started a non-profit to get as many people as possible to join the bone marrow registry. Hallie joined forces with fraternities, policemen, firemen, and many other groups to help advocate. 105 total matches were found via Hallies Heroes outreach.

After finding so many matches for others, it was Hallie's turn! She had a bone marrow transplant when she turned 10 years old-- that means she waited/searched over 9 years to find a match! Four months post-transplant, we found out that it was successful! That means she no longer has DBA!

Unfortunately, less than 1 month after hearing the news that the bone marrow transplant was successful, Hallie started feeling pain in her left leg. The doctors quickly found that the pain was caused by a cancer in her thigh bone.

This however, didn't get Hallie down. She knew that God wasn't done with her, and she had this because she needed to reach more people. Hallie expanded her mission to include advocating for children with cancers of all sorts!

Hallie made up her mind to beat cancer. To do this, she and her doctors decided to amputate her left leg. This rid her body of cancer! Hallie now continues the fight while inspiring so many people all over the world!

UPDATE: ABI was able to raise $7,100 for Hallie to get her first prosthetic

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ABI & B.E.L.L Play for Shania and Estefania
5:00 PM17:00

ABI & B.E.L.L Play for Shania and Estefania

ABI’s next event will benefit two sisters, Estefania Munoz and Shania Munoz. Both sisters were diagnosed with Li-Fraumeni syndrome, which is a mutation in the TP53 gene and a tumor suppressor gene. Due to this syndrome, both sisters are vulnerable to both malignant and benign tumors forming.

Estefania is 8 years old and also has Jacoben Syndrome. At the age of 3 in 2014, she was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of soft tissue. The cancer was found in her right upper back. Recently in August of 2017 at the age of 7, she was again diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma again in the same area. In August of 2018, she finished all treatment and had her port removed in January of 2019 putting her currently in remission.

Shania is 16 years old and at the age of 2, she was diagnosed also with Rhabdomysarcoma in her left upper back and had 1 rib removed in order to access the tumor. She finished her treatment at the age of 3 in 2006. In October 2018, two months after her sister finished her cancer treatments, Shania went in for her yearly MRI scan and the doctors found a new growth which appeared to be in the same previous cancer spot. On the 7th of November 2018, she had an operation in order to remove the new growth which resulted in having another rib removed and having a prosthetic rib put back in place. Six days later on the 13th of November 2018, Shania was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. Two days later on the 15th, she underwent surgery again to have a port placed to then begin chemotherapy treatments. Shania started chemotherapy on November 30th, 2018 and is expected to finish her chemo treatments in August of 2019.

All proceeds raised at ABI’s event for Shania and Estefania will go to them and their family to help with their medical expenses.

Update: ABI was able to raise over $7,000 to help Shania and Estefania!

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ABI & HCA Falcons Play For Brody
7:00 PM19:00

ABI & HCA Falcons Play For Brody

Join us Saturday night on October 6th @ 7pm as ABI joins forces with the HCA Falcons as we will put on an entertaining fun basketball game for Brody and his family. Brody is currently fighting brain cancer and 100% of the proceeds from this event will all go to Brody and his family to help with past medical expenses as well as travel expenses as they have to travel from Cleburne to Memphis, TN every month for treatment. There will be multiple raffle and silent auction items you could win by attending this event. There will also be an appearance and opportunity to play Bigfoot 1 on 1 during halftime to win some cool prizes as well. Help us share this event as it is going to be a fun entertaining night filled with basketball, love, and lots of laughs.

Update: ABI was able to rasise $4,000 for Brody and his family!

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ABI & Bell Leadership Academy Play For Erin
12:00 PM12:00

ABI & Bell Leadership Academy Play For Erin

On Saturday February 17th, 2018 ABI is teaming up with Bell Leadership Academy and will host a benefit game for Erin Hite. Erin, 14, was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma which resulted in the loss of her arm and most of her shoulder. She has also underwent surgery for a tumor that was found inside her heart as well. The event will take place at Braswell High School in Little Elm, Texas and all proceeds raised at the event, as well as donations made to ABI's website that day, will all go to Erin and her family to help with her medical expenses. It will be a $10 entry fee for adults and $5 for students and kids. There will be some very cool raffle and auction items you could win as well!

Also performing at halftime will be local country music artist Gary Kyle. 

This will be a huge event and one you will not want to miss!

UPDATE: ABI was able to raise $5,000 for Erin and her family.

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ABI & Family Plays For Donald
7:00 PM19:00

ABI & Family Plays For Donald

Saturday January 27, 2018 ABI will host a benefit game for Donald Cass who is currently in a fight with prostate cancer. All proceeds raised at the event and on ABI's website the weekend on January 27th, 2018 will all go to Donald to help with his medical expenses for his fight with prostate cancer.

Update: ABI was able to raise over $2,000 to help Donald get into the cancer treatment center he needed to help treat his cancer

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ABI & Family Plays for Sarah
8:00 PM20:00

ABI & Family Plays for Sarah

  • Southwestern Adventist University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ABI and Family will be playing for Sarah on November 4th and Southwestern Adventist University. Admission will be $10 at the door and all proceeds raised during the event will benefit Sarah as she is currently fighting cancer and recently lost her leg because of the cancer. Click the event to learn about Sarah and her story:

Update: ABI was able to raise $2,500 for Sarah and her family

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ABI & Family Play For Manny
10:00 AM10:00

ABI & Family Play For Manny

Basketball Game:  

The event is to assist with healthcare expenses for 8-year-old Las Crucen Manny Lopez who is currently fighting Osteosarcoma.

Amputee Basketball Invigorated (ABI) VS Las Cruces' Finest LCPD

Free Throw Shooting Contest and 3 Point Shooting Contest: Separated by gender and age groups: 9-12, 13-17, 18 and older. Entry fee $7.50, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies. Must register no later than 10:15 the morning of the 19th. Contests will kick off at 10:30. Tickets will go on sale 6/26/17
Students: $5.00
Adults: $7.50
At the door: Students: $7.50
Adults: $10.00

*children 4 and under are free, and students 18 and older must show valid student I.D.

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ABI & Family Plays for Shad
6:00 PM18:00

ABI & Family Plays for Shad

ABI will be playing for a young man named Shad who is battling osteosarcoma and recently lost his leg to the disease. Shadrach "Boboy" Hesa is a sophomore at Keene High School. He is one amazing young man who is very much loved by his family, community and his Keene Family. During his freshman year he played on the Keene basketball and baseball teams. During summer workouts in 2016 Shad felt a ton of pain in his left knee. After being treated by the trainer and going to see a doctor they still couldn't figure out where the pain was coming from. Finally Shad and his family went to see a specialist. That's when Shad and his family discovered that he had Osteosarcoma Bone Cancer in his leg, and upon further evaluation found that it is also in his lungs. He is currently in the middle of a treatment plan that will take over 29 weeks. Throughout the process, the chemo and the fight, Shadrach has been nothing short of amazing. His strength, joy and faith in the Lord have made this journey a little easier on his friends and family. On January 10, 2017, Shadrach underwent surgery to remove his left leg above the knee in an effort to help stop the cancer from spreading. With his parents Jimmy and Nelina Hesa by his side through every moment of this journey, Shad is recovering well. Just a day after the operation Shad was up and moving around the hospital using a walker. Using a walker, crutches or a wheelchair is not how this story is going to end, though. Shad knows he is going to play basketball and baseball again.



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ABI & Family Plays for Ajay
7:30 PM19:30

ABI & Family Plays for Ajay

ABI will be playing for a special young man named Ajay King who loves basketball and who is currently battling Osteosarcoma. Ajay was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma on 10/14/2016. He originally went to the doctor for a jammed pinky, but the doctor noticed he had a limp as well. A MRI was ordered of his leg and hip which discovered the Osteosarcoma in his hip and leg. Ajay did 10 weeks of chemotherapy before he had is surgery on 1-10-2017, which resulted in amputation of all his pelvic and hip bones on the left side. Ajay is still currently fighting the disease of Osteosarcoma and ABI has jumped for the opportunity to help Ajay and his family with their medical expenses. All the money raised at this game will go directly to Ajay and his family to help with their medical expenses, as well as give Ajay some hope during his fight with cancer. 

UPDATE: ABI was able to raise over $1,000 to help Ajay with his medical needs

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ABI & Family Plays for Manny
7:30 PM19:30

ABI & Family Plays for Manny

ABI will be playing for a young woman named Manny. Manny lost her leg in June of 2004. With the current prosthesis she currently has, she has difficulty walking long distances and is not able to be as active as she would like to be as her current prosthesis feels like it is holding her back. Manny had the opportunity to try more active prosthesis for a trial period and immediately felt the benefits of the upgraded prosthesis. But the cost of the upgraded prosthesis is one her insurance will not help pay and cannot afford on her own. ABI has offered to help Manny raise the funds for the upgraded prosthesis that will allow her to walk longer distances without pain and will also allow her to be fit and health with her increase of activity with the upgraded prosthesis. The proceeds from this event will go towards Manny's upgraded prosthesis so she can have the opportunity to live life to the fullest and be abel to reach her goals. 



UPDATE: ABI was able to raise over $1,000 to help Manny with her prosthetic needs

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7:30 PM19:30

ABI & Family Plays For Devon

Next ABI event will be benefiting this strong humble young guy named Devon. He is currently fighting osteosarcoma and lost his left leg above the knee. The benefit game for Devon will be in Burleson, Tx at Cana Baptist Church on 7-29-16 @ 7:30pm. All proceeds from the game will go to Devon and his family.

UPDATE: ABI was able to raise $3,000 for Devon to help with his medical needs. ABI would like to thank everyone who came out to support!

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